home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include "f2c.h"
- #include "fio.h"
- #include "lio.h"
- #define MAX_NL_CACHE 3 /* maximum number of namelist hash tables to cache */
- #define MAXDIM 20 /* maximum number of subscripts */
- struct dimen {
- ftnlen extent;
- ftnlen curval;
- ftnlen delta;
- ftnlen stride;
- };
- typedef struct dimen dimen;
- struct hashentry {
- struct hashentry *next;
- char *name;
- Vardesc *vd;
- };
- typedef struct hashentry hashentry;
- struct hashtab {
- struct hashtab *next;
- Namelist *nl;
- int htsize;
- hashentry *tab[1];
- };
- typedef struct hashtab hashtab;
- static hashtab *nl_cache;
- static n_nlcache;
- static hashentry **zot;
- extern ftnlen f__typesize[];
- extern flag f__lquit;
- extern int f__lcount, nml_read;
- extern t_getc(Void);
- #ifdef KR_headers
- extern char *malloc(), *memset();
- #ifdef ungetc
- static int
- un_getc(x,f__cf) int x; FILE *f__cf;
- { return ungetc(x,f__cf); }
- #else
- #define un_getc ungetc
- extern int ungetc();
- #endif
- #else
- #undef abs
- #undef min
- #undef max
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #ifdef ungetc
- static int
- un_getc(int x, FILE *f__cf)
- { return ungetc(x,f__cf); }
- #else
- #define un_getc ungetc
- #endif
- #endif
- static Vardesc *
- #ifdef KR_headers
- hash(ht, s) hashtab *ht; register char *s;
- #else
- hash(hashtab *ht, register char *s)
- #endif
- {
- register int c, x;
- register hashentry *h;
- char *s0 = s;
- for(x = 0; c = *s++; x = x & 0x4000 ? ((x << 1) & 0x7fff) + 1 : x << 1)
- x += c;
- for(h = *(zot = ht->tab + x % ht->htsize); h; h = h->next)
- if (!strcmp(s0, h->name))
- return h->vd;
- return 0;
- }
- hashtab *
- #ifdef KR_headers
- mk_hashtab(nl) Namelist *nl;
- #else
- mk_hashtab(Namelist *nl)
- #endif
- {
- int nht, nv;
- hashtab *ht;
- Vardesc *v, **vd, **vde;
- hashentry *he;
- hashtab **x, **x0, *y;
- for(x = &nl_cache; y = *x; x0 = x, x = &y->next)
- if (nl == y->nl)
- return y;
- if (n_nlcache >= MAX_NL_CACHE) {
- /* discard least recently used namelist hash table */
- y = *x0;
- free((char *)y->next);
- y->next = 0;
- }
- else
- n_nlcache++;
- nv = nl->nvars;
- if (nv >= 0x4000)
- nht = 0x7fff;
- else {
- for(nht = 1; nht < nv; nht <<= 1);
- nht += nht - 1;
- }
- ht = (hashtab *)malloc(sizeof(hashtab) + (nht-1)*sizeof(hashentry *)
- + nv*sizeof(hashentry));
- if (!ht)
- return 0;
- he = (hashentry *)&ht->tab[nht];
- ht->nl = nl;
- ht->htsize = nht;
- ht->next = nl_cache;
- nl_cache = ht;
- memset((char *)ht->tab, 0, nht*sizeof(hashentry *));
- vd = nl->vars;
- vde = vd + nv;
- while(vd < vde) {
- v = *vd++;
- if (!hash(ht, v->name)) {
- he->next = *zot;
- *zot = he;
- he->name = v->name;
- he->vd = v;
- he++;
- }
- }
- return ht;
- }
- static char Alpha[256], Alphanum[256];
- static VOID
- nl_init(Void) {
- register char *s;
- register int c;
- if(!f__init)
- f_init();
- Alpha[c]
- = Alphanum[c]
- = Alpha[c + 'a' - 'A']
- = Alphanum[c + 'a' - 'A']
- = c;
- for(s = "0123456789_"; c = *s++; )
- Alphanum[c] = c;
- }
- #define GETC(x) (x=(*l_getc)())
- #define Ungetc(x,y) (*l_ungetc)(x,y)
- static int
- #ifdef KR_headers
- getname(s, slen) register char *s; int slen;
- #else
- getname(register char *s, int slen)
- #endif
- {
- register char *se = s + slen - 1;
- register int ch;
- GETC(ch);
- if (!(*s++ = Alpha[ch & 0xff])) {
- if (ch != EOF)
- ch = 115;
- errfl(f__elist->cierr, ch, "namelist read");
- }
- while(*s = Alphanum[GETC(ch) & 0xff])
- if (s < se)
- s++;
- if (ch == EOF)
- err(f__elist->cierr, EOF, "namelist read");
- if (ch > ' ')
- Ungetc(ch,f__cf);
- return *s = 0;
- }
- static int
- #ifdef KR_headers
- getnum(chp, val) int *chp; ftnlen *val;
- #else
- getnum(int *chp, ftnlen *val)
- #endif
- {
- register int ch, sign;
- register ftnlen x;
- while(GETC(ch) <= ' ' && ch >= 0);
- if (ch == '-') {
- sign = 1;
- GETC(ch);
- }
- else {
- sign = 0;
- if (ch == '+')
- GETC(ch);
- }
- x = ch - '0';
- if (x < 0 || x > 9)
- return 115;
- while(GETC(ch) >= '0' && ch <= '9')
- x = 10*x + ch - '0';
- while(ch <= ' ' && ch >= 0)
- GETC(ch);
- if (ch == EOF)
- return EOF;
- *val = sign ? -x : x;
- *chp = ch;
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- #ifdef KR_headers
- getdimen(chp, d, delta, extent, x1)
- int *chp; dimen *d; ftnlen delta, extent, *x1;
- #else
- getdimen(int *chp, dimen *d, ftnlen delta, ftnlen extent, ftnlen *x1)
- #endif
- {
- register int k;
- ftnlen x2, x3;
- if (k = getnum(chp, x1))
- return k;
- x3 = 1;
- if (*chp == ':') {
- if (k = getnum(chp, &x2))
- return k;
- x2 -= *x1;
- if (*chp == ':') {
- if (k = getnum(chp, &x3))
- return k;
- if (!x3)
- return 123;
- x2 /= x3;
- }
- if (x2 < 0 || x2 >= extent)
- return 123;
- d->extent = x2 + 1;
- }
- else
- d->extent = 1;
- d->curval = 0;
- d->delta = delta;
- d->stride = x3;
- return 0;
- }
- #ifndef No_Namelist_Questions
- static Void
- #ifdef KR_headers
- print_ne(a) cilist *a;
- #else
- print_ne(cilist *a)
- #endif
- {
- flag intext = f__external;
- int rpsave = f__recpos;
- FILE *cfsave = f__cf;
- unit *usave = f__curunit;
- cilist t;
- t = *a;
- t.ciunit = 6;
- s_wsne(&t);
- fflush(f__cf);
- f__external = intext;
- f__reading = 1;
- f__recpos = rpsave;
- f__cf = cfsave;
- f__curunit = usave;
- f__elist = a;
- }
- #endif
- static char where0[] = "namelist read start ";
- #ifdef KR_headers
- x_rsne(a) cilist *a;
- #else
- x_rsne(cilist *a)
- #endif
- {
- int ch, got1, k, n, nd, quote;
- Namelist *nl;
- static char where[] = "namelist read";
- char buf[64];
- hashtab *ht;
- Vardesc *v;
- dimen *dn, *dn0, *dn1;
- ftnlen *dims, *dims1;
- ftnlen b, b0, b1, ex, no, no1, nomax, size, span;
- ftnint type;
- char *vaddr;
- long iva, ivae;
- dimen dimens[MAXDIM], substr;
- if (!Alpha['a'])
- nl_init();
- f__reading=1;
- f__formatted=1;
- got1 = 0;
- top:
- for(;;) switch(GETC(ch)) {
- case EOF:
- err(a->ciend,(EOF),where0);
- case '&':
- case '$':
- goto have_amp;
- #ifndef No_Namelist_Questions
- case '?':
- print_ne(a);
- continue;
- #endif
- default:
- if (ch <= ' ' && ch >= 0)
- continue;
- errfl(a->cierr, 115, where0);
- }
- have_amp:
- if (ch = getname(buf,sizeof(buf)))
- return ch;
- nl = (Namelist *)a->cifmt;
- if (strcmp(buf, nl->name))
- #ifdef No_Bad_Namelist_Skip
- errfl(a->cierr, 118, where0);
- #else
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Skipping namelist \"%s\": seeking namelist \"%s\".\n",
- buf, nl->name);
- fflush(stderr);
- for(;;) switch(GETC(ch)) {
- case EOF:
- err(a->ciend, EOF, where0);
- case '/':
- case '&':
- case '$':
- if (f__external)
- e_rsle();
- else
- z_rnew();
- goto top;
- case '"':
- case '\'':
- quote = ch;
- more_quoted:
- while(GETC(ch) != quote)
- if (ch == EOF)
- err(a->ciend, EOF, where0);
- if (GETC(ch) == quote)
- goto more_quoted;
- Ungetc(ch,f__cf);
- default:
- continue;
- }
- }
- #endif
- ht = mk_hashtab(nl);
- if (!ht)
- errfl(f__elist->cierr, 113, where0);
- for(;;) {
- for(;;) switch(GETC(ch)) {
- case EOF:
- if (got1)
- return 0;
- err(a->ciend, EOF, where0);
- case '/':
- case '$':
- case '&':
- return 0;
- default:
- if (ch <= ' ' && ch >= 0 || ch == ',')
- continue;
- Ungetc(ch,f__cf);
- if (ch = getname(buf,sizeof(buf)))
- return ch;
- goto havename;
- }
- havename:
- v = hash(ht,buf);
- if (!v)
- errfl(a->cierr, 119, where);
- while(GETC(ch) <= ' ' && ch >= 0);
- vaddr = v->addr;
- type = v->type;
- if (type < 0) {
- size = -type;
- type = TYCHAR;
- }
- else
- size = f__typesize[type];
- ivae = size;
- iva = 0;
- if (ch == '(' /*)*/ ) {
- dn = dimens;
- if (!(dims = v->dims)) {
- if (type != TYCHAR)
- errfl(a->cierr, 122, where);
- if (k = getdimen(&ch, dn, (ftnlen)size,
- (ftnlen)size, &b))
- errfl(a->cierr, k, where);
- if (ch != ')')
- errfl(a->cierr, 115, where);
- b1 = dn->extent;
- if (--b < 0 || b + b1 > size)
- return 124;
- iva += b;
- size = b1;
- while(GETC(ch) <= ' ' && ch >= 0);
- goto scalar;
- }
- nd = (int)dims[0];
- nomax = span = dims[1];
- ivae = iva + size*nomax;
- if (k = getdimen(&ch, dn, size, nomax, &b))
- errfl(a->cierr, k, where);
- no = dn->extent;
- b0 = dims[2];
- dims1 = dims += 3;
- ex = 1;
- for(n = 1; n++ < nd; dims++) {
- if (ch != ',')
- errfl(a->cierr, 115, where);
- dn1 = dn + 1;
- span /= *dims;
- if (k = getdimen(&ch, dn1, dn->delta**dims,
- span, &b1))
- errfl(a->cierr, k, where);
- ex *= *dims;
- b += b1*ex;
- no *= dn1->extent;
- dn = dn1;
- }
- if (ch != ')')
- errfl(a->cierr, 115, where);
- b -= b0;
- if (b < 0 || b >= nomax)
- errfl(a->cierr, 125, where);
- iva += size * b;
- dims = dims1;
- while(GETC(ch) <= ' ' && ch >= 0);
- no1 = 1;
- dn0 = dimens;
- if (type == TYCHAR && ch == '(' /*)*/) {
- if (k = getdimen(&ch, &substr, size, size, &b))
- errfl(a->cierr, k, where);
- if (ch != ')')
- errfl(a->cierr, 115, where);
- b1 = substr.extent;
- if (--b < 0 || b + b1 > size)
- return 124;
- iva += b;
- b0 = size;
- size = b1;
- while(GETC(ch) <= ' ' && ch >= 0);
- if (b1 < b0)
- goto delta_adj;
- }
- for(; dn0 < dn; dn0++) {
- if (dn0->extent != *dims++ || dn0->stride != 1)
- break;
- no1 *= dn0->extent;
- }
- if (dn0 == dimens && dimens[0].stride == 1) {
- no1 = dimens[0].extent;
- dn0++;
- }
- delta_adj:
- ex = 0;
- for(dn1 = dn0; dn1 <= dn; dn1++)
- ex += (dn1->extent-1)
- * (dn1->delta *= dn1->stride);
- for(dn1 = dn; dn1 > dn0; dn1--) {
- ex -= (dn1->extent - 1) * dn1->delta;
- dn1->delta -= ex;
- }
- }
- else if (dims = v->dims) {
- no = no1 = dims[1];
- ivae = iva + no*size;
- }
- else
- scalar:
- no = no1 = 1;
- if (ch != '=')
- errfl(a->cierr, 115, where);
- got1 = nml_read = 1;
- f__lcount = 0;
- readloop:
- for(;;) {
- if (iva >= ivae || iva < 0) {
- f__lquit = 1;
- goto mustend;
- }
- else if (iva + no1*size > ivae)
- no1 = (ivae - iva)/size;
- f__lquit = 0;
- if (k = l_read(&no1, vaddr + iva, size, type))
- return k;
- if (f__lquit == 1)
- return 0;
- mustend:
- if (GETC(ch) == '/' || ch == '$' || ch == '&') {
- f__lquit = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- else if (f__lquit) {
- while(ch <= ' ' && ch >= 0)
- GETC(ch);
- Ungetc(ch,f__cf);
- if (!Alpha[ch & 0xff] && ch >= 0)
- errfl(a->cierr, 125, where);
- break;
- }
- Ungetc(ch,f__cf);
- if ((no -= no1) <= 0)
- break;
- for(dn1 = dn0; dn1 <= dn; dn1++) {
- if (++dn1->curval < dn1->extent) {
- iva += dn1->delta;
- goto readloop;
- }
- dn1->curval = 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- integer
- #ifdef KR_headers
- s_rsne(a) cilist *a;
- #else
- s_rsne(cilist *a)
- #endif
- {
- extern int l_eof;
- int n;
- f__external=1;
- l_eof = 0;
- if(n = c_le(a))
- return n;
- if(f__curunit->uwrt && f__nowreading(f__curunit))
- err(a->cierr,errno,where0);
- l_getc = t_getc;
- l_ungetc = un_getc;
- f__doend = xrd_SL;
- if (n = x_rsne(a))
- return n;
- return e_rsle();
- }